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Topics - Andy H

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Club Runs / CLOCKS CHANGE!!!!! Social club run Sunday 27th October
« on: October 24, 2024, 05:38:42 PM »
I plan to get our for a 'Social Sunday' ride this weekend. Weather forecast looks OK (taken on Thursday :) )

Usual conditions, ride at pace of slowest, so no dropping riders, 30-40 miles and a coffee stop.

Either this route:-

or version of mid-week route:-

9:00am start Brackla,  all welcome


Club Runs / Social ride Sunday 6th October
« on: October 04, 2024, 03:56:04 PM »
I'll be out to lead a social group ride this Sunday.

Steady pace, nobody 'dropped' so riding at the pace of slowest. Good to see old and new faces, members and non-members all welcome

Porthcawl loop, 60km

9:00 am start rear of Brackla triangle

Club Runs / Social ride Sunday 29th September
« on: September 24, 2024, 12:33:05 PM »
There will be a 'social' group ride this Sunday. I've been unable to ride the last few weeks due to holidays and then injury, so will look forward to getting out!

Usual story, 30 miles or so at a steady pace, with a coffee stop and nobody left behind

All welcome, start 9:00 Brackla triangle

Club Runs / Social Sunday 21st July
« on: July 16, 2024, 07:23:15 PM »
I'll be out to take a 'Social' group ride this Sunday

30-40 miles at a steady pace, with no riders left behind!

And coffee!!!!  :D

Will post route before the weekend

Club Runs / Social Sunday 30th June
« on: June 27, 2024, 12:31:42 PM »
I'll be out for a gentle paced ride, this Sunday.

Usual format, ride at the pace of the slowest, no dropping and at least one coffee stop. Around 30-40 miles depending on who is out.

Leave Brackla 9:00

Club Runs / Social ride Sunday 26th May
« on: May 23, 2024, 09:19:28 AM »
I'll be out for a 'Social' ride this Sunday. Weather forecast not looking great at the moment so hope it will improve

Usual form, 30-40 miles, riding at the pace of the slowest and nobody 'dropped'.

All welcome, leaving Brackla triangle 9:00

Planned route: Coffee stop in Porthcawl

Club Runs / Club run Sunday 12th May
« on: May 08, 2024, 10:39:49 AM »
I know a lot of people are doing Carten on Saturday and other long distance efforts but I will be out on Sunday morning if anybody fancies a 'spin'.

Pace and distance dependant on who turns up

9am start Brackla

Club Runs / Social Sunday 5th May
« on: May 02, 2024, 10:59:15 AM »
I'll be out for slower paced ride on Sunday, usually around 30 to 40 miles. We normally ride at a speed of 13/14mph but we will stay together and ride at pace of the slowest rider.

I'll post a route before the weekend

All welcome, 9:00am start from carpark behind shops in Brackla triangle

General Discussion / May Club night #COMPETITION TIME
« on: April 04, 2024, 09:41:56 PM »
In an attempt to try and get a few more people to club night, I've come up with the idea of a little competition.

Very easy to enter, you just have to attend club night and ride your bike a bit, over the following weeks.

There will be one or two conditions attached but nothing that would be considered too testing!  Most people could probably achieve it in one ride, if they chose to.

A prize will be awarded every month (all who complete the challenge will be entered into a draw) and a 'better' prize at the end of September for the person who completes the most challenges. All prizes will be vaguely cycling related and won't involve any of my used kit or bike parts.  ;D

Intrigued?  See you at April club night Monday 8th

Club Runs / RR 3 Final reliability ride UPDATE
« on: March 26, 2024, 09:52:20 AM »
RR3 will take place on Sunday 7th April

Route attached for planning, I'll update soon with start times etc

Club Runs / RR2 Sunday 24th March
« on: March 20, 2024, 05:44:52 PM »
Sunday March 24th will be the second of the club's Reliability rides. Here is the route:-

Out via Tondu Rd, Fountain Rd, to Margam then Taibach and the Bwlch. Don't forget after descending the Bwlch and going through Ogmore Vale you then have to take a right turn over Llangeinor before crossing the common to Heol y Cyw, Pencoed and the dual back to Ewenny cafe.
Try and stay in groups and help each other, you'll appreciate it later in the ride

There are two time options for RR2:

1) 50 miles in 3 1/2 hours (14 mph)  Start time 8:30
2) 50 miles in 3 hours (16mph)         Start time 9:00

Please sign on at least 15 minutes before your intending start time. i.e 8:15am for the 8:30am start.

The idea is you ride at your own pace and choose a time you think you can ride the distance in. If you are not sure about the route or your pace then team up with other riders of similar ability. This is really important and makes for a more enjoyable ride.

No computers, watches or GPS devices are allowed,
so if you feel the need to record your ride then tape over or cover up screens. Tape will be provided at the start!  ;D

To be 'reliable' or 'qualify' in RR2 you have to finish + or - 10 minutes of your intended time.

I'll be doing the timing, please be prompt in signing on and remember to let me or other riders know if you don't intend to complete the ride.

Please post your intended start times and which ride you're going for, so others can join you.

See you at Brackla for 8:30am start

Club Runs / Sunday social rides
« on: February 24, 2024, 03:04:34 PM »
I'm not out this Sunday because of injury then I'm away skiing the two following Sundays.

If you want to get out for a ride come along and join the Chasers and hang on for as long as you can!!

To be fair the pace has been reasonable on latest rides  :)

Club Runs / RR1 John Edwards Memorial rise Sunday March 17th
« on: February 20, 2024, 07:06:32 PM »
Sunday March 17th will be the first of the club's Reliability rides. Here is the route:-

The idea is you ride at your own pace and choose a time you think you can ride the distance in. If you are not sure about the route or your pace then team up with other riders of similar ability. This is really important and makes for a more enjoyable ride.

For RR1 there are 2 options:-
50 miles in 3    hours = 16 mph ave speed     
50 miles in 2.5 hours = 20 mph ave speed

Start times are 9:00 for 3 hours and 9:30 for the 2.5-hour option.
Please sign on at least 15 minutes before your intending start time. i.e 8:45am for the 9:00am start.

No computers, watches or GPS devices are allowed,
so if you feel the need to record your ride then tape over or cover up screens. Tape will be provided at the start!  ;D

To be 'reliable' or 'qualify' in RR1 you have to finish + or - 10 minutes of your intended time.

The finish is at 'Velo cafe', Stalling Down next to the Mughal Emperor.

UNFORTUNATELY the cafe appears to have closed down, so riders will have to get drop back down into Cowbridge for coffee!

I'll be doing the timing, please be prompt in signing on and remember to let me or other riders know if you don't intend to complete the ride.
please post your intended start times and which ride you're going for, so others can join you.

See you at Brackla for 9:00am start

Club Runs / Social Sunday Feb 18th
« on: February 17, 2024, 11:55:01 AM »
I'll be out tomorrow. Usual 'rules' 30-40 miles at pace of the slowest rider but usually around 14-15mph

9am start from the old physiques car park

Club Runs / Reliability Rides 2024
« on: February 11, 2024, 07:51:51 PM »
Bit late in the planning but time to think about the Reliability Rides. Probably a bit short notice to start next weekend but then I'm away Feb 25th and Mar 3rd and 10th

So I was thinking RR1:  Sunday March 17th
                          RR2: Sunday March 24th
                          RR3: Sunday April  7th
This avoids Easter Sunday March 31st

Thoughts and discussion at club night, tomorrow
Also need to discuss route/finish for RR1 as café on Stormy seems to have closed. I'd be happy to wait at the top then meet up for coffee back down in Cowbridge, ismy first thought

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